Accidents are traumatizing. Whether a car accident, slip and fall or workplace accident, victims get both physical and mental injuries. In personal injury cases, injuries are broadly classified
into two types- economic and non-economic damages. No matter how prompt you are in seeking medical care after and arranging all the relevant documents and witness after your accident, quantifying
all your damages and losses may be a difficult task for you.
Economic damages include medical bills (past and future), household services, and future lost wages while non-economic damages include emotional anguish, loss of career opportunities,
humiliation, pain, loss of enjoyment, loss of companionship, etc. It may be easy to quantify
economic damages but you will need help from a skilled personal injury lawyer in Sudbury to quantify non-economic damages.
What is pain and suffering?
In personal injury cases, victims have two types of pain and suffering-physical and mental pain and suffering.
Physical pain and suffering- These are actual physical injuries sustained by the plaintiff. It includes pain and discomfort endured by the claimant to date. But physical pain and suffering
are also the detrimental effects that the plaintiff is likely to suffer in future due to the negligence of the defendant. You must speak with an experienced injury lawyer in Sudbury to help you
assess and quantify your physical pain and suffering.
Mental pain and suffering- In most personal injury cases, victims sustain mental pain and suffering which include emotional distress, mental anguish, and degradation of quality of life, anger,
anxiety, fear, humiliation and shock. The most common and significant mental pain and suffering include lack of energy, loss of appetite, mood swings, anger, depression, and/or sleep disorder. In
a few cases, victims may need treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. You must have a competent personal injury lawyer in Sudbury who knows how to quantify mental pain and suffering and
help you get a just compensation for your losses.
How to calculate pain and suffering?
To calculate pain and suffering insurance adjusters use multiplier. The insurance adjuster and plaintiff’s lawyer will assess the intangible damages suffered by the plaintiff and rate them from
1.5 to 5. This rating indicates the severity of pain and suffering. Higher multiplier indicates more serious injuries.
How to prove pain and suffering?
An experienced personal injury lawyer in Sudbury can help you gather evidence and strengthen your personal injury case. The documents needed are-
• Medical records- laboratory results, X-ray reports, scan reports or other records regarding your pain and injuries
• Healthcare provider’s notes- Documented comments from healthcare providers including doctors, mental professionals and therapists can give idea about the effect of a personal
• Photos, videos or CCTV footage
Irrespective of the types of injuries you have in an accident, you must contact a competent injury lawyer in Sudbury to get the best compensation for your damages. For more information visit
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