Will Personal Injury Lawyer In Ottawa Work On Contingency Fee?
Chances are that you must have heard about the contingency fee mode while hiring a personal injury lawyer, but are you sure what does it actually means? Well, we assume that a number of people are actually not aware of what this kind of a fee mode means. This is broadly speaking, a fee that is not charged by the lawyer initially but at the end of the case. In this article, an experienced Personal Injury Lawyer in Kingston will explain you all about contingency fee factor in personal injury cases.
What is a Contingency Fee?
Contingency fee as told before is a fee mode, in which a Personal Injury Lawyer in Kingston doesn’t charge a penny during the case but gets a percentage of the settlement amount at the end of the case, provided the case is won! Usually, this kind of a fee is reasonable and affordable for the already traumatized victim, who knows it is a no win no pay method and therefore the lawyer will try to win to get the fee.
What is the Importance of Contingency Fee Mode?
According to a professional Personal Injury Lawyer in Kingston, the main benefit of contingency fee mode is that it makes all the victims eligible to hire a lawyer because, they don’t actually have to spend from their own pocket to hire one good lawyer. They know the fee of the lawyer will be paid from whatever settlement amount they will get at the end of the case. So, basically, the contingency fee relieves the victim to a great extent.
When is the Contingency Fee Paid?
As, the contingency fee is paid out of the settlement amount, it is but obvious it is paid at the end of the case only, if the case is won by the lawyer. Moreover, the victim also need not worry at all for the hourly fee of the Personal Injury Lawyer in Kingston because that is paid from the settlement amount at the end of the case.
Who Pays Contingency Fee?
Well, this type of fee is actually paid from the settlement amount at the end of the case. Whatever, settlement amount a victim receives at the end of the case, the lawyer gets a certain percentage as contingency fee. The percentage is usually declared and signed at the time of hiring the lawyer.
What is meant by a CFA or Contingency Fee Agreement?
CFA or the Contingency Fee Agreement is the one that a lawyer will ask a victim to sign before he or she actually takes up the case. The main thing mentioned in this agreement is the percentage that the lawyer will get as fee from the settlement amount at the end of the case. The lawyer only starts working on your case, when you as a client sign the CFA. It is on the other hand, that the client must be able to understand all the clauses of the CFA before signing it and there is no one better than the lawyer himself of herself to make the victim cum client understand it. Click here